13-15 January 2023: FYRE fortifies youth with leadership skills, freezing temperature challenge.

LITHIA, FL: FYRE’s Scouts BSA Troop 482 (Boy) and Troop 483 (Girl) trained youth ranging from 10-17 years old, boys and girls, on Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST). ILST teaches basic team building principles, how to plan and communicate, and the duties and responsibilities of each youth troop position.

The Scout Troops camped Friday through Sunday at Alderman’s Ford Conservation Park. Temperatures dropped below freezing and remained cold and windy all weekend. Scouts were prepared in advance for the conditions and earned hard to accomplish “Frost Points” for enduring the rare conditions while in South Florida. To keep them “FYRE’d up” and warm, Scoutmasters prepared “Trashcan Turkey” with sides of Habanero Mac-n-Cheese, veggies and bacon, and a chocolate cherry cobbler while the Scouts taught classes.

Additionally, Scouts conducted a preparation five-mile hike with full gear ahead of a long hike in the spring for Hiking Merit Badge and Camping Merit Badges. They also learned how to find directions in the day and night without the aid of a compass or electronics as a continuation of Orienteering Merit Badge and rank requirements.

The ILST training was conducted by youth Eagle Scouts and senior Scouts who had previously graduated from the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) training course. The youth Scout trainers back-briefed their training plan weeks prior to the campout to the Scoutmasters who also oversaw all the safety and training during the event. Lots of prior proper planning occurred.

Troop 482 (Boy) had 5 boy NYLT and 2 National Advance Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) course graduates from Summit Bechtel Scout Reservation in West Virginia. Troop 483 (Girl) had 2 girl NYLT graduates. In July 2023, FYRE is sending 5 Scouts to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico to NAYLE’s advance youth training.

If you have a son or daughter in the Riverview, FL area interested in becoming a well-rounded and mature leader and have lots of fun doing it, contact the FYRE Foundation.

  • For boys in 6-12th grade email Troop482B@TheFYRE.org.
  • For girls 6-12th grade email Troop483G@TheFYRE.org.
  • For elementary aged boys and girls email Pack481F@TheFYRE.org.
  • FYRE Foundation Office: 813-360-1414.
  • Meetings are on Thursday evenings at the Redeemer Church at 12404 Boyette Rd, Riverview, FL 33569.